We Read with the Littlest Ones: Siblings Collaborate

Date and Time: From January 16, 2025, 10:00

Location: Old Town Library

The Old Town Library invites you to embark on a journey towards greater family harmony with Martina Gajdošová, the author of the book Siblings Collaborate.

The event will also include various activities that promote cooperation among children, as well as information for parents.

Due to capacity limitations, prior registration via the provided link is required.

The book Siblings Collaborate is for all families with young children who want to tackle sibling squabbles. Gregor and Grétka are an inseparable pair – twins. While they help each other a lot, they can also have some serious fights, whether it’s over toys or who gets to be the first on the only swing at the playground. Initially, their conflicts are resolved with the help of their mom and dad. They use hourglasses, coin tossing, or drawing. And when Gregor doesn’t lend his sword to Grétka, she simply makes her own, original one. Eventually, their mom has so much trust in them that she allows them to solve their squabbles on their own. Will they manage without her help? And what about you? What would you advise Gregor and Grétka during their arguments? Can you be inspired by their stories at home? And what to do when there’s no agreement?

Martina Gajdošová – After 10 years of working in the field of human resources development, including communication and other skill training, Martina shifted her focus to children’s development when she had twins. She devoured books on parenting and psychology and completed Montessori courses. When her children were 18 months old, she began gradually teaching them to share toys and use strategies like hourglasses to manage their exchanges.

Information about this event was provided by the GoOut.sk portal.