Submitting a Request for Release from the State Union of the Slovak Republic Abroad.

Service is intended for citizens of the Slovak Republic residing abroad. Through the service, it is possible to apply for release from the state union of the Slovak Republic abroad to the relevant diplomatic mission or consular office of the Slovak Republic, where the applicant reserves a meeting to process the application during their stay abroad – list of diplomatic missions and consular offices. The output of the service is the issuance of a document confirming the release from the state union of the Slovak Republic to the citizens of the Slovak Republic abroad. In the case of using an eID card, communication with the citizen takes place through the eDesk mailbox, speeding up the application process and significantly reducing the risk of the applicant having to visit the diplomatic mission or consular office multiple times. However, the service can also be used without using an eID card. The guaranteed electronic signature of the citizen is not required for processing the electronic form. The service is available 24 hours a day.

Filling out the electronic form is not considered the submission of a request for release from the state union of the Slovak Republic but serves as preliminary information.

The request for release from the state union of the Slovak Republic must be submitted in person by the applicant (along with the required documents) at the diplomatic mission or consular office of the Slovak Republic.

The following documents are required for successful processing of the service:

  • Request for release from the state union of the Slovak Republic, containing name, surname, maiden name, birth number, date and place of birth, current address, last permanent residence address in the territory of the Slovak Republic, reasons for the request, date, and signature.
  • Proof of identity (valid ID card or passport) and its photocopy with personal data.
  • Birth certificate – original and unauthenticated photocopy.
  • Document of marital status – marriage certificate, valid court judgment, or confirmation of divorce, death certificate of the spouse – original and unauthenticated photocopy.
  • Extract from the criminal record in the Slovak Republic not older than 6 months.
  • Assurance of obtaining citizenship of another state or document of its acquisition – original.
  • Confirmation that the applicant has no arrears in taxes and public benefits in the Slovak Republic from the respective tax and customs office, and local municipal office (which also includes information that there are no arrears in local fees in the municipality).
  • Confirmation from municipalities in the Slovak Republic in whose territory the applicant owns real estate (if it concerns property tax), or a solemn declaration with an officially certified signature that the applicant does not own real estate in the Slovak Republic.
  • Confirmation that the applicant has no arrears in public benefits in the Slovak Republic from the relevant health insurance company, social insurance. If a minor child is included in the application, the consent of the other parent to change the citizenship of the minor is required, and the signature must be officially certified.

The service is subject to fees at the diplomatic mission or consular office. The amount of the fee is usually defined by the respective diplomatic mission or consular office in the local currency of the country where the diplomatic mission or consular office is located. More information on fees for individual diplomatic missions or consular offices can be found on the websites of the respective diplomatic missions or consular offices – list of diplomatic missions and consular offices. Persons over 65 years of age and disabled pensioners are exempt from this fee.

Steps to use the electronic service: The following steps outline the process of using the electronic service to submit a request for release from the state union of the Slovak Republic abroad. A detailed description of using electronic services provided by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic can be found in the User Manual for Electronic Services, available on the submission of the application page:

  1. Fill out the electronic form (optional step, but submitting the completed electronic form will shorten the time spent at the diplomatic mission or consular office).
  2. Reservation of a meeting at the relevant diplomatic mission or consular office – after submitting the reservation, you will receive a message in your eDesk mailbox (or email inbox) to confirm the reservation. To make the reservation valid, it must be confirmed.
  3. Submit the electronic form and reservation to the relevant diplomatic mission or consular office.

Steps after using the electronic service: In case you have submitted the electronic form for the request for release from the state union of the Slovak Republic abroad and made a reservation, you will need to perform the following activities:

  1. Communication with the employee of the diplomatic mission or consular office – if the submitted electronic form has deficiencies, the employee of the diplomatic mission or consular office will contact you to address the discrepancies before you visit the diplomatic mission or consular office. Communication will take place through the eDesk mailbox if you apply by logging in with an eID card or through the email you provided in the contact details if you were not logged in.
  2. Visit the diplomatic mission or consular office – come to the diplomatic mission or consular office at the scheduled time, and you must submit all the necessary documents listed in the service description. During the visit, you will sign the request for release from the state union of the Slovak Republic, pre-filled in case you also submitted a completed electronic form with the reservation.
  3. Document collection – The decision on release from the state union of the Slovak Republic, prepared based on the application submitted to the diplomatic mission or consular office, will be delivered to the diplomatic mission or consular office where you will collect it.

Basic Information: Mandatory fee: No Reservation required: Yes Legislation: The service is provided according to the law No. 40/1993 Coll. on the citizenship of the Slovak Republic.