The dance comedy Slovenské Vianoce (Slovak Christmas) with the subtitle A Comedy about the Creation of the World and What Happened Afterward is already a traditional work of SĽUK.
11.12.2024, Wed
STARS auditorium 19:00
18.12.2024, Wed
SĽUK 19:00
19.12.2024, Thu
SĽUK 19:00
The creative team behind the production was mainly inspired by Slovak folk theater, which represents an unparalleled synthesis of sacred and profane themes. These themes are reflected in Bethlehem plays and traditional folk theater processions of the period (e.g. Chodenie s hadom [Walking with the Snake], Hra o Herodesovi [Play about Herod], Hľadanie nocľahu [Searching for Lodging], Traja králi [The Three Kings], and more). In general, these depict biblical motifs related to the birth of Jesus Christ, the appearance of the Bethlehem star, and the homage of the three wise men “from the East.”
However, the creators also addressed the Old Testament theme of the creation of the world, which is not often portrayed in theater. This led to the creation of a unique dance comedy project in two acts.
The first part of the performance, “O stvorení sveta” (On the Creation of the World), is inspired by the Old Testament story, interpreted through the artistic expression of the contemporary generation of young creators.
The second part, titled “Od Adama do Troch kráľov” (From Adam to the Three Kings), presents a joyful and colorful collage of Christmas carols, well-wishes, and folk theater plays, performed by the dance ensemble, folk music, and the choir of SĽUK with its soloists and guest children.
Direction: Juraj Nvota
Choreography: Ladislav Cmorej, Stanislav Marišler, Ján Ševčík, Ján Blaho
Performers: Dance ensemble, folk music, and choir of SĽUK
Event duration: 100 minutes
Pre-sale from €9.90 to the Stars Auditorium
Pre-sale €24 to SĽUK