Prices for Services

Our promise: If your residence permit application is denied, we’ll provide a full 100% refund for our company services!

Residence permit in Slovakia

Obtaining the first residence permit

First residence permit: entrepreneurial activity*2600€
First Residence Permit: spouse reunification*900€
First residence permit: child under 18*600€
First residence permit: study*2400€
First residence permit: work*1400€
First residence permit: other reasons*2000€
Change of residence permit for entrepreneurial activity*1300€
* The stated price covers our company’s support and process management services. Additional expenses will be billed separately. For a personalized breakdown of residence permit costs, simply request it, and our manager will provide a free consultation and send you an individualized estimate.

Renewal of residence permit

Renewal of residence permit: entrepreneur*500€
Renewal of residence permit: director of the company*600€
Renewal of residence permit: spouse reunification*300€
Renewal of residence permit: child under 18*120€
* The price does not include state. fee (140 euros for the Guarantor, 73.5 euros for an adult for family reunification, 7.5 euros for a child).

Additional services for a residence permit

Collection of additional a package of documents for each next entrepreneur’s company100€
Renewal of a residence permit card shortened due to registration address / loss of card / passport (first family member / each subsequent family member)300/120€
Proof of permanent residence in Slovakia for one person for one year (our client)600/900€
Residence permit consultation / interview preparation90€/hour
Registration of state insuranceFree
Registration of commercial insurance AXA for the director of the company, spouses and children on reunification*Free
Surcharge for escorts outside Bratislava, 1 km2€
Reservation of the electronic queue at the Aliens Police for the submission of documents (first family member / each subsequent family member)80/50€
Filling out/setting the document: application (Žiadosť) for a residence permit/permanent residence to the police, Čestné vyhlásenie, Nahliadnutie do spisu, Splnomocnenie (plná moc) (first family member / each subsequent family member)80/50€
*You can independently apply for AXA insurance online by following the link.

Other services

Nostrification of the certificate/diploma including certificates of graduation from school, university, diplomas of a doctor, teachers, sports (+ translation and notary fees are paid separately)from 300€
Renewal a driver’s license with a Slovak one250€
Judicial translation into Slovak from Russian / Ukrainian, per standard page (1800 characters including spaces)25€
Court translation into Slovak from English, per standard page (1800 characters including spaces)30€
Judicial translation into Slovak from other languages, per standard page (1800 characters including spaces)On request
Apostille for tax / police clearance certificate / notary / court / translator50€
Sending documents by express mailOn request
Registration of children in the kindergarten / school: updating information on the availability of places in a kindergarten or school for a child, support for negotiations and meetings, collecting and filling out necessary documents300€ for the first child + 100€ for each additional child
Registration with a family physician: finding an attending physician, making an appointment, without accompaniment by our specialist, client’s own visit and independent contracting150€
Registration with a family physician: finding an attending physician, making an appointment, accompanying our specialist to the appointment and signing a contract150€ for one + 50€ for each additional family member


Opening a personal bank account or account for an individual entrepreneur250€
Opening a corporate account for a company550€
Training a client in Internet banking, activation of services, display of payments90€/hour

Real estate

Selection of a property for purchase3-5%
Selection of a property for rent1 rental month
Re-registration in all institutions after the purchase of real estate300€
Mortgage consultationFree
Real estate investment consultationFree
Development of an individual plan for the purchase of real estateIndividually

For business

Registration as an individual entrepreneur (živnosť)560€
Company Registration: Limited Liability Company (s.r.o.)900€
Company registration: Joint Stock Company3000€
Company registration: Simple joint stock company2000€
Ready-made company – not a VAT payer1500€
Ready-made company – VAT payer4900€
Providing legal addresses for 1 year in the city center, address Michalska 9, Bratislava (first year / every subsequent year)340/200€
Liquidation of Limited Liability Company (s.r.o.), minimum cost from1500€
Liquidation of individual entrepreneur (živnosť)500€
Licensed type of activity, support50€
Change in the commercial register200€
Registration as a VAT payer under §7a200€
Registration as a VAT payer according to § 4 upon reaching the legally established income limit (excluding verification)100€
Registration as a VAT payer according to §4 up to the established income limit at the request of the client, price from600€
Registration EORI (customs accreditation for export/import from/to the EU)390€
Notification of the ultimate beneficiary to the commercial register90€
Making a stamp100€
Stamp design development150€
Buying a ready-made business3-5%
Renting a workplace in the Slovakia Garant office (including an equipped desk, internet, kitchen, meeting room)250€/month
Business relocation to SlovakiaIndividually
Consulting on the individual request of the client (development of a business plan, miscalculation of the company’s work scheme, purchase of a car for a company, marketing research, etc.)Individually

Accounting services

Maintaining a company without VAT and without employees INCLUDING annual reporting with the movement of 2-3 invoices per month, price per YEAR350€
Maintaining a company with VAT, including:
bookkeeping (registration of accounting entries for internal and external operations of the company);
reconciliation and accounting of accepted and issued invoices (up to 20 per month);
submission of a monthly report (declaration) on VAT;
preparation and submission of the annual report (declaration) on profit.
Visiting the tax, insurance, social service, bank, other issues requiring personal presence25€
Preparation of any unscheduled interim report30€
Preparing and filing a car tax return20€
Liquidation of VAT payer status100€
Report on operations within the EU50€/hour
Submission of notifications to the state. institutions20€
Submission of an application for registration and receipt of the E-cash code in the tax60€
Gaining access to the state electronic mailbox on on the client’s e-reader60€
Control of the entrepreneur’s e-mail box on the portal Slovensko.sk160€/year
Accounting advice and, if necessary, the involvement of an auditor or tax consultant90€/hour