The Information Center for Combating Human Trafficking and Crime Prevention of the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic, as the national reporter for Slovakia at the European Commission in this area, has prepared for the fifth time a document titled “Situation Report on Combating Human Trafficking in the Slovak Republic for the year 2021” (hereinafter referred to as the “situation report”). The role of national reporters in accordance with Directive 2011/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on trafficking in human beings and combating it and on protecting victims of trafficking in human beings, which replaces Council Framework Decision 2002/629/JHA, fulfilled by the Information Center for Combating Human Trafficking and Crime Prevention of the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic, includes data collection and monitoring trends in human trafficking. The preparation of the situation report was mainly contributed to by the National Unit for Combating Illegal Migration of the Border and Foreign Police Department of the Police Corps Headquarters, which is a specialized police unit for investigating cases of human trafficking. Other contacted entities also contributed to the draft of the situation report upon request. In 2021, sexual and labor exploitation remains the most common purpose of human trafficking. Sexual exploitation traditionally affects almost exclusively women and girls, while labor exploitation mostly involves adult men. For the first time, two new forms of exploitation have been recorded: suspicion of organ, tissue, and cell removal for the purpose of trafficking and suspicion of human trafficking for the purpose of illegal child adoption. While child victims accounted for one-sixth of identified victims in 2019, it was a quarter in 2020 and almost a third of all identified victims in 2021. The majority are girls aged 12 to 17, who are most commonly sexually abused or forced into marriage. Continued attention needs to be paid to protective measures for child victims and to improve cooperation with authorities who can identify and come into contact with child victims. In terms of the number of victims, Slovakia was the largest source country for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in 2021, but mainly for cases identified before 2021 and 2020, shortly after Brexit. This is followed by Germany, the Czech Republic, Ireland, Switzerland, and Austria. In 2021, Slovakia can be considered not only a source country for victims but also a destination country. Since 2018, one-third of identified victims have been recruited and exploited in Slovakia, mainly Slovak citizens (especially women and children) who have been abused within the country for the purpose of sexual exploitation and forced marriages. Child forced marriages based on Roma traditions are a specific form of domestic human trafficking that law enforcement agencies have been proactively addressing since 2017. In terms of assistance provided to victims, in 2021, only a quarter of all identified victims who are interested in entering a specialized support and protection program for victims of human trafficking were recorded. The number of victims who are formally considered injured in criminal proceedings and are receiving assistance is very low, only a few individuals per year. The number of identified foreign victims of human trafficking remains very low, with only two foreigners from Vietnam identified during the period (two adult women sexually exploited in Germany). Note: The age of victims is statistically recorded from the commission of the offense, so the age of child victims in the year when the relevant authorities learn about them and enter the statistics for that year may be different, and some child victims may already be adults. The Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic has concluded an agreement with Slovak Telekom, a.s. to establish the National Helpline for Victims of Human Trafficking 0800 800 818, primarily aimed at providing preventive information before traveling abroad, as well as initiating initial contact with potential victims of human trafficking and facilitating relevant assistance. For calls from abroad, the correct format is: +421 800 800 818.