Entry of Citizens of EU/EEA Member States and the Swiss Confederation and Their Family Members to Slovakia.

Member State

A Member State is a member state of the European Union, excluding the Slovak Republic, another state that is a party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, and the Swiss Confederation.

A Union citizen is anyone who is not a citizen of the Slovak Republic but is a citizen of a Member State.

A family member of a Union citizen is a third-country national who is:

a) their spouse,

b) their child under 21 years of age, their unmarried child, and such children of their spouse,

c) their dependent direct relative in the ascending or descending line and such a person of their spouse,

d) any other family member not covered by points a) to c) and is an dependent person in the country from which they come,

e) any other family member not covered by points a) to c) and is a member of their household,

f) any other family member not covered by points a) to c) and is, for serious health reasons, dependent on their care,

g) their partner with whom a Union citizen has a permanent, duly certified relationship,

h) a third-country national with the right of residence in the same Member State where a Union citizen has the right of residence, and the Union citizen is a citizen of the Slovak Republic, returning to reside or rejoining the Union citizen in the territory of the Slovak Republic and meets any of the conditions mentioned in points a) to g) in relation to the citizen of the Slovak Republic.

Right of Entry for Union Citizens:

The right of entry is demonstrated by a Union citizen presenting a document or by any other credible means proving their identity and nationality of a Member State.

Right of Entry for Family Members of Union Citizens:

A family member of a Union citizen proves the right of entry by presenting a document or by any other credible means proving their identity and family relationship to the Union citizen.

A family member of a Union citizen subject to visa requirements must present a valid visa upon entry; this does not apply if a valid residence document of the family member of the Union citizen or a residence document according to a special regulation is provided.

Application for Schengen Visa for Family Members of Union Citizens:

A family member of a Union citizen:

  1. submits the application form;

The application must be fully completed and signed by the applicant, in the case of representation of a minor or legally incapacitated person, the application must be signed by the legal representative, who attaches a copy of the document certifying that they are the legal representative of the applicant.

The applicant can also use the option to fill out the visa application in the electronic visa application app. The electronically completed visa application form is then delivered to the applicant in pdf format to their email address.

Note: Submitting an application at the consular office may be subject to completing an electronic visa application. Further information will be provided by the relevant consular office.

  1. presents a valid travel document;
  2. submits a color photograph of the face (1 piece), complying with ICAO requirements, with dimensions of 3.5 x 4.5 cm, on a light background;
  3. if necessary, allows the collection of their fingerprints;

Applicants for a visa must submit fingerprints when applying. Fingerprints are taken once every 59 months, except in the cases specified below.

Even if the visa applicant has submitted fingerprints in the past, the fingerprints must be taken again in the following cases:

  • doubts about the identity of the applicant;
  • fingerprints cannot be obtained from the previous visa application in the visa information system;
  • if the low quality of the fingerprints previously taken and stored in the visa information system prevents their use in a new application.

The following categories of persons are exempt from the obligation to have their fingerprints taken:

a) children under 12 years of age; b) persons for whom it is physically impossible to take fingerprints; c) heads of state or government and members of national governments accompanied by wives or husbands, and members of their official delegation, if invited for an official purpose by the government of a Member State or international organizations.

  1. provides accompanying documents;

document proving the identity and nationality of the Union citizen, document that the applicant will accompany the Union citizen or join them in the Slovak Republic, document confirming that it is a family member of the Union citizen (e.g., marriage certificate or birth certificate) or a document of dependency, if required (e.g., medical confirmation of the need for constant care, disability, permanent partnership, etc.)

Visas for family members of Union citizens are granted as soon as possible, but no later than 10 days from the date of application.

Submitting an application for a visa for a family member of a Union citizen is free of charge.

Which Countries Are Part of the European Economic Area (EEA)?

The contracting parties to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Area are:

  • Member States of the European Community (European Union) Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Netherlands, Croatia, Ireland, Lithuania, Latvia, Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Austria, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Italy
  • and Member States of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) participating in the Agreement on the European Economic Area: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland.

The above conditions also apply to family members of United Kingdom citizens who assert their rights under the Agreement on the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the EU and who join the United Kingdom citizen in the host country after the end of the transition period.