Benefits provided by the Office of Labor, Social Affairs, and Family.

Childbirth Allowance.

The childbirth allowance is a state social benefit through which the government contributes to covering expenses related to ensuring the essential needs of a newborn. It is a one-time benefit granted to an eligible person upon the birth of a child, provided that the person has permanent residence in the territory of the Slovak Republic. If multiple children are born simultaneously, the entitlement to the allowance arises for each child.

The eligible person is the mother who gave birth to the child or the father of the child if the mother has passed away, a search has been declared for her, or the child has been entrusted to the father’s care based on a valid court decision. The entitlement to the allowance expires six months after the child’s birth.

The childbirth allowance is disbursed by the Office of Labor, Social Affairs, and Family relevant to the person’s place of permanent residence based on a written application submitted in person, by email, or by mail to the office’s address. Alternatively, the electronic submission of the Childbirth Allowance Application, requiring a qualified electronic signature for successful viewing, is also available (You must be logged into the portal to view the electronic application. If not logged in, you will be prompted to do so via a chip-enabled ID card).

To determine the allowance amount for childbirth, the application must be accompanied by a Medical Doctor’s Confirmation [.pdf, 168.1 kB]. Additionally, the following documents are required: Information for citizens seeking assistance in material need, substitute maintenance, state social benefits; Attachment 3 State Social Benefits; Affidavit regarding the childbirth allowance application; Declaration of residence for the childbirth allowance; Information for recipients of benefits and allowances.

To qualify for the allowance, the mother must attend preventive check-ups once a month from the beginning of the fourth month of pregnancy until delivery. Participating in preventive check-ups also includes receiving health care from an eligible person in institutional health care.

Allowance for Simultaneously Born Children.

The allowance for simultaneously born children is a state social benefit designed to cover increased expenses related to the care of three or more children born simultaneously or, within two years, repeatedly born twins or more children simultaneously. The allowance is provided by the state once a year.

The eligible person is the parent of the children or the person who has taken custody of the children instead of parental care based on a valid court decision. If multiple eligible persons meet the conditions, only one of them, as agreed upon, is entitled to the allowance. In case of disagreement between parents, the mother of the children has the priority right.

The allowance is provided to parents for each child in a calendar year only once. The eligible person claims the allowance by submitting a written application [.pdf, 504.2 kB] to the relevant Office of Labor, Social Affairs, and Family based on their place of permanent residence or through the electronic Application for the Allowance for Parents of Three or More Simultaneously Born Children, signed with a qualified electronic signature (To view the electronic application successfully, you must be logged into the portal. If not logged in, you will be prompted to do so via a chip-enabled ID card).

The eligible person applies for the allowance for parents in each calendar year, first after the children reach one year of age or, in the case of repeatedly born twins, within two years.

Child Allowance.

Child allowance is a state social benefit through which the government contributes to the upbringing and support of an unprovided-for child. The child allowance is paid monthly, up to the child’s 25th birthday at the latest. The eligible person claims the allowance by submitting a written application [.pdf, 704.3 kB] to the Office of Labor, Social Affairs, and Family based on their place of permanent residence or temporary residence (applies to foreigners) or through the electronic Child Allowance Application signed with a qualified electronic signature (To view the electronic application successfully, you must be logged into the portal. If not logged in, you will be prompted to do so via a chip-enabled ID card). The allowance recipient (eligible person) is required to notify the office in writing (in person or by mail) or through the General Agenda electronic service (requires a qualified electronic signature) about the care arrangements for the child until the start of mandatory school attendance.

For more information on child allowance, refer to the corresponding life situation.

Supplement to Child Allowance.

The supplement to child allowance is a state social benefit through which the state provides additional support to the eligible person for the upbringing and support of an unprovided-for child who does not qualify for a tax bonus according to specific regulations. It is paid monthly along with the child allowance. The eligible person applies for the supplement by meeting the conditions and submitting a written application [.pdf, 380.4 kB] to the Office of Labor, Social Affairs, and Family, which pays them the child allowance.

Parental Allowance.

Parental allowance is a state social benefit through which the state contributes to the eligible person to ensure proper care of a child up to three years of age or up to six years of age if the child has a long-term adverse health condition. The allowance is paid monthly. The eligible person is the parent of the child, a natural person to whom the care of the child has been entrusted as a substitute for parental care based on a court decision.

The eligible person applies for parental allowance by submitting a written application [.pdf, 729 kB] or an electronic Parental Allowance Application signed with a qualified electronic signature (To view the electronic application successfully, you must be logged into the portal. If not logged in, you will be prompted to do so via a chip-enabled ID card). The application is submitted to the Office of Labor, Social Affairs, and Family based on their place of permanent residence or temporary residence (applies to foreigners).

Child Care Allowance.

Child care allowance is provided up to three years of age or up to six years of age for a child with a long-term adverse health condition. The allowance is provided monthly. The eligible person to claim the allowance is the parent or a natural person to whom the care of the child has been entrusted as a substitute for parental care based on a court decision.

Notice Since January 1, 2016, the maximum amount of child care allowance is 280 euros. This is the maximum allowance amount if child care up to three years of age is provided by a private facility (kindergarten, nursery) or a natural person based on a business license (caregiver). Administrative procedures for claiming the allowance are simplified from January. Parents will no longer have to prove to the Labor and social affairs office the amount of costs for child care. It will be sufficient for the office to receive a written agreement on care or a confirmation from the director of the kindergarten the child attends. If, for example, a grandparent without a business license provides child care, the amount of the allowance will be 41.1 euros.

The eligible person can claim the allowance if:

They engage in gainful employment, attend full-time secondary or higher education, Child care is provided by a caregiver within the territory of the Slovak Republic, have permanent or temporary residence (applies to foreigners) within the territory of the Slovak Republic, and The child has permanent or temporary residence (applies to foreigners) within the territory of the Slovak Republic.

The allowance is not granted:

For a child under care receiving maternity or a similar benefit abroad, For a child for whom one of the eligible persons or the spouse of the eligible person is receiving parental allowance for the entire calendar month, If one of the eligible persons or the spouse of the eligible person is receiving maternity or a similar benefit abroad after six weeks from the birth of another child, or parental allowance or a similar benefit abroad.

The eligible person claims the allowance based on a written application [.pdf, 546.6 kB] submitted to the Office of Labor, Social Affairs, and Family based on their place of permanent residence or through the electronic Child Care Allowance Application signed with a qualified electronic signature (To view the electronic application successfully, you must be logged into the portal. If not logged in, you will be prompted to do so via a chip-enabled ID card).